We hope over the next couple of months to learn some new tunes as a congregation. These will be introduced firstly in the Midweek Meeting, and then in the services.
Our first tune is Bowersburn, which was written by Evan Macdonald, who is one of the elders at Glasgow City Free Church. It is to the unusual metre trochaic, which appears only once in Sing Psalms, in the 8th section of Psalm 119. It is a beautiful section of the psalm and a lovely tune.
You can listen to the tune on this link
PSALM 119 (8) ( trochaic)
57 You, O LORD, are everything I’ve longed for;
I have promised to obey your word.
58 With my whole heart I have sought your favour;
as you promised, grant me grace, O LORD.
59 I have thought about my life and conduct,
and have turned my steps towards your way.
60 I will hasten and, without delaying,
your commands and statutes I’ll obey.
61 Though the wicked with their cords ensnare me,
I will not forget instruction’s voice.
62 I will rise to give you thanks at midnight,
for your righteous laws make me rejoice.
63 Those who fear you are my friends for ever,
all who follow in your precepts’ way.
64 Earth is filled with your great loving-kindness;
teach me your decrees, O LORD, I pray.